Friday, March 9, 2012

You know how ur gameshark is supposed to be able to enter codes in and cheat in ur game right? How come the gameshark I ordered from some part of the U.S. is a bit different: the only three options it has when u start it up are:
1. Start game with or without codes on
2. Codes of various games already entered in (if ur game isn't in there then tough luck)
3. An option to turn off the music or keep it on? o.o
Like, where's the "enter codes" option??!?! I've looked on videos and other GBC gamesharks have different startup menu designs than mine.
Like I wouldn't say I've been scammed, but this gameshark is WEIRD.
Physically the plastic around it is clear and it "says" on its tag Gameshark 4.0
Graphically, there is a yellow pokeball design behind it, a blue GameShark title on the top, and a black screen saying the game's title on the bottom. Not even that, my game is one of the 230 games with pre-entered codes in the list, but the cheat codes don't work. What is this gameshark and what's up with it?|||I have no idea, but try a VBA :)


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