Tuesday, February 21, 2012

How does a sales proposal look like? Can you help me with website or any info to find a sample sales Proposal?
Thanks|||It really depends on a couple of things. At http://www.learntowriteproposals.com we like to look at what the client's needs are and build our proposal around that?

Have they asked you for a proposal or issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) or are you submitting a proactive proposal (one where they haven't issued an invitation to multiple suppliers)?

A formal business proposal is usually only sent in response to a RFP or invitation to tender by a client. Remember that very few unsolicited proposals do well - you are better spending your efforts building a relationship with the client and then submitting a proactive proposal when you know what their needs are and how you can solve their problems.

However, if you have some relationship or at least following a phone call, permission to send in a pro-active proposal then it is very important to demonstrate value to the client. The client isn't interested in just reading about you - they want to know what value you add to their business.

The key to writing a successful proposal though is persuading the client and demonstrating value. Ask yourself "What is their business need and what are you going to do to provide a solution that meets that need?"

Persuade the client by providing a solution and backing it up with evidence that you can deliver. Solution + credibility + value = persuasion. Be credible in your price as well as reputation.

As each organization's circumstances are different it sometimes isn't the best approach to look for a ready-made proposal, as it simply doesn't make sense to your (or the client's) particular circumstances.

You can get a free proposal template from http://www.learntowriteproposals.com, which gives you the outline and structure of your proposal. We also have a best practice resource library and online proposal guide.

In our premium content we have other templates which include guidance text to help you know how to complete your proposal. The template packs also include letter proposal templates which show you how to create a shorter proposal if you don't need to create a full, formal proposal.

If you need further assistance then you can get in touch with us through http://www.learntowriteproposals.com

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