Tuesday, February 14, 2012

This week the New York Times reported a disheartening story about two of the largest retail chains. You see, instead of taking unsold items to sample sales or donating them to people in need, H&M and Wal-Mart have been throwing them out in giant trash bags. And in the case that someone may stumble on these bags and try to keep or re-sell the items, these companies have gone ahead and slashed up garments, cut off the sleeves of coats, and sliced holes in shoes so they are unwearable.|||Why. Walmart owned the articles in question. If liability issues arouse from the misuse of the product them Walmart would have been held liable. I don't like big business anymore than you, but if Walmart owns those items then they can do whatever they please with them.|||No, I rely on Walmart for a lot of things.|||They should have just donated them to charity!
Idk about boycotting though...|||That's very selfish of them....but I agree with the other answer|||Sorry it's the only store still open in my town, they killed off all the mom and pops!|||i havent shopped at walmart since i worked there in 2001, i'd rather pay more else where the give them a dime|||That's their business.....!!|||They should have gone to charity...........I don't shop there anyway.|||Well that doesn't surprise me. Wal-mart is such a dirty company. They send jobs overseas and open up everywhere taking away business from locally owned stores.|||It wouldn't do any good unfortunately.|||No wall-marts were im from but that pisses me off big time|||Wow i can't believe they did that! A simple coat would make some people's lives easier.|||Im with you that's so STUPID....all the people who are freezing and don't have clothes to fit them come on people so for the next two weeks i WILL NOT shop at wall mart!!!! i can't believe what this country is coming to!!!!|||I already dont shop at Walmart for other reasons- this just gives me one more.|||No. Wal-Mart has no responsiblity to take care of the world. Free Enterprise. It's a business, not a charity.|||I am so angry about this, they (Walmart) are always telling how much they give back to the communities, well they sure dropped the ball on this. We'll have to wait and see if they follow through on their word to stop and to give those clothes to the needy. If any is found anywhere and I'm sure there are going to be people looking, then I suggest a boycott. Give them a chance to correct their wrong.|||they can do what they want with their merchandise.|||I read that.
That is a tragedy.|||I read that and was very upset too. Why would they do that?
It doesn't make any sense. Why not gain credibility and give it to needy families?|||What is Walmart?|||Actually, I've *been* boycotting Wal-Mart for years over this and lots of other things--they treat their workers and customers alike like dirt.

And yes, I get it that some people *can't* boycott--Wal-Mart made its first billion or so by driving local stores out of business and getting the local monopoly, Microsoft-style. Lie, cheat and steal. I get that.

But....seriously. Wal-Mart is in fact the *single* worst offender when it comes to big-box stores, and has been for years. Go to your local public library, find the book _Nickeled and Dimed_, read the thing...then check out the copyright date. It's an old book these days.

This should be a hint: Wal-Mart depends on people's not being willing to fight if it's a hassle or an inconvenience. Their whole existence as business *depends* on people being willing to tolerate a rising tide of fascist nonsense in the name of convenience and "low prices" thanks to everything being from China or some other third-world dictatorship.

If it's just *me* boycotting, it won't do much. If it's just me and my friends....ehh, it won't make the news on the back pages.

If a whole Category of Yahoo! Answers, several thousand strong, *refuses* to spend one more red cent there and tells their friends to do the same....that might get people's attention.

And I've only been saying this from day one: the *only* way you can win one against these people is if you show up where they are and *fight them* in their own language, on their own terms.

In this case this means boycotting the clear worst offenders, like Wal-Mart. Their language is profit, and the worst, most backward and insular sort of "community". Really, I grew up watching their early propoganda--that TV show, "the Waltons". After a while it didn't take--it became a joke instead.

So you refuse to give them *money*, and you refuse to tolerate their flagrant disregard for human rights and labor rights on the American soil they *exploit*.

Sorry for being so hardassed about it, but really. What's next? Are you going to let Wally World start shooting people before you act against them? Or do they have to declare statehood first?

What will it take, for at least some folks to get a clue and act on it? Saying "no" isn't hard folks.|||Walmart is AWESOME! What the F*** are you talking about! That's where i get my Miley Cyrus merchandise from a**hole!|||NO, I won't boycott, but that is awful crappy.


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